
我们关心的是你独特的视角, we want our college to be a place where everyone feels welcome — especially people who come from backgrounds that are underrepresented in higher education.

我们关心的是你独特的视角, we want our college to be a place where everyone feels welcome — especially people who come from backgrounds that are underrepresented in higher education.

We believe in the power of diversity to enhance our academic and residential life and to enrich our understanding of the world. We engage our most rigorous thinking when we interact with people whose perspectives differ from our own.

We honor all differences among our students: ethnicity and race, 宗教, 性, 社会经济背景, 生活经历, 学术的激情, 和更多的. 我们的 community is stronger because of the rich experiences our students and faculty and staff members bring to campus.

我们也认识到多样性 每个人:例如, 她是语言学专业的学生,经营着黑人学生联盟, 危地马拉留学, 还会做美味的自制面包. 一年级学生爱上了经济学, 然后德国, then geology — all while playing on the tennis team and hosting a radio show on Cuban hip hop. 数学专业,每周五参加安息日礼拜, 在校园农场工作, 在校内球队打垒球.

What binds our students together is an exuberant attitude toward learning, 对乐趣的渴望, 以及对激情的真正兴趣, 希望, 以及同龄人的想法.

GG电子官方软件下载有近200名现役军人 学生组织 有许多不同的跨文化 & 国际集团. Students in these groups celebrate the richness of their cultures and share them with the campus through a wide array of events and activities.

看到我们的多样性 & 学生文化组织


GG电子官方软件下载 students are ambitious, they aren’t afraid to ask for help. 穿过我们的校园, you’ll find people and programs in place to support your success as a scholar, 作为一个完整的人. 其中一些努力包括一对一的指导, 而其他人则专注于将人群聚集在一起. Here’s a sampling of the various resources we hope you’ll explore:

在我的访问期间,我真的很喜欢校园文化. Despite being serious about academics, everyone was jovial. 我遇到的所有学生都热情友好. 每个人都很忙,但忙得很开心 和目的.
GG电子官方软件下载 is an institution that celebrates diversity and equality. It’s a place where the many facets of my personality won’t be met with judgmental indifference, 而是张开双臂. 的y will be encouraged by peers and faculty who are just as eager as I am about essentially everything.
Polycarpe Bagereka
GG电子官方软件下载的味道 provided me a different kind of college experience than my previous college visits. GG电子官方软件下载 is a place of higher level thinking and knowledge, 没有我在其他学校经历过的势利. More importantly, I saw a place where I can gather 太ls to reach 我的梦想.
在《品味GG电子官方软件下载》期间,我去看了一场喜剧表演. Cheering students packed the theater, I could feel their genuine excitement for 彼此. I hope to attend a school where the students sing and laugh together, where they support 彼此.


我们的 GG电子官方软件下载 Office — and our broader community — is committed to supporting the needs of students from underrepresented backgrounds. 我们的 应用程序检查 takes a holistic view of your talents and strengths, as well as your background. We’re eager to understand the experiences that have shaped your education and your life. 和我们的 经济援助计划 是为了满足你家庭100%的经济需求而设计的吗.

当我们读到你的申请时, we want to learn about your academic achievements and personal strengths. 我们会考虑你的学术准备, looking closely at the classes you’ve taken and the grades you’ve earned. We also pay close attention to the context of your school, the resources available to you. 我们不要求标准化考试成绩(SAT或ACT), 但如果你决定提交, we look at those in the context of the rest of your application.

我们的 应用程序检查 also includes thoughtful consideration of your strengths and experiences outside of the classroom. We want to know how you have been active in your school and community. Every student’s involvements and commitments are different, there’s not one particular type of student we’re looking for. 在整个应用程序中, we’ll get a sense of the ways you might contribute to GG电子官方软件下载 — and how we might play a part in your growth, 太.



Chances are, you have questions about GG电子官方软件下载’s affordability. We are committed to meeting every admitted student’s demonstrated need, while minimizing your loans and the hours you spend in your work-study job.

  • 的 average financial aid package is $70,369 for families with an income less than $40,000.
  • 我们将你的校内工作时间限制为每周10小时. 有足够的时间学习(和娱乐)!).
  • Small classes mean you’ll get personal attention from faculty, 使GG电子官方软件下载成为一笔有价值的投资.
  • 我们的 职业中心 帮助你为一生的成功做好准备.



A rendering of a map of the continental United States with travel lines coming toward Minnesota

We hope you’ll consider a visit to campus to see this place for yourself. 的 GG电子官方软件下载的味道 (TOC) program offers students a chance to get just that — a taste of GG电子官方软件下载! 这 费用全包的飞行计划 brings roughly 60 students to campus for three days and two nights. TOC是开放给所有未来的高中毕业生. But the selection committee will give priority to students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. 我们特别鼓励有色人种的学生, 第一代大学生, 低收入家庭学生也可以申请.

We also have a significant amount of funding to support campus visits for students who are unable to attend GG电子官方软件下载的味道. 我们鼓励高中毕业生 申请旅行补贴.

GG电子官方软件下载文科经验 (CLAE) program is another all-expenses-paid program for college-bound students. CLAE brings 52 high school students to GG电子官方软件下载 for a week-long summer program. Courses are offered in science, art, social sciences, technology. 的se classes introduce students to the strengths of a liberal arts education. Applicants must be high school students who are current sophomores. Students of African American descent or students who have an interest in African American culture are encouraged to apply.

In addition to these programs, we also partner with many organizations. 我们的国家合作伙伴包括 QuestBridge, 大学的视野, 波赛, 电梯游说, 罗恩·布朗学者. 我们还与国际组织合作,如 美国教育中心, 萨顿信托,和 格鲁特·班克罗夫特基金会.


我们想象你有疑问. 无论您有什么想法,请与我们联系.

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