
A spirit of collaboration winds its way across our whole campus. Our liberal arts philosophy proudly promotes linking different subjects. 生物学依赖英语. 政治学需要电影和媒体研究. 社会学迎合艺术史. 每个人都连接.

Here are a few of the ways Carls put their heads together to get the best possible results.


A creator at heart, Stephen Grinich would have been content to tinker with web apps on his own time. 这就是 计算机科学 专业是为了好玩.

But thanks to GG电子官方软件下载’s emphasis on collaboration and interdisciplinary learning, 格里尼奇成了校园里炙手可热的应用程序开发人员.

“It’s especially gratifying that I can make people’s work easier,” Grinich says.

大二的时候, 的McMinnville, 俄勒冈州, native found a natural fit in 计算机科学 professor 杰夫Ondich’s “Mobile Application Development” course. Grinich’s group addressed a real need in the dean’s office by creating a mobile guide for New Student Week. The app combines a calendar of events with an interactive campus map, 学生顾问数据库, 还有一本常用术语和缩写词的《说GG电子官方软件下载语》字典.

格里尼奇没费多大力气就找到了下一个机会. 心理学 professor Ken Abrams and his student research team wanted to study the effects of alcohol on cardioception — your ability to perceive your heart rate. They also wanted to know if alcohol influences the likelihood of having a panic attack.

这是一次完美的合作. Abrams needed a highly specific app for his research; Grinich wanted practical experience.

“这扩大了可能性. I can start with a list of ideas and hand it off to a team in [Ondich’s] course. 或者我可以让像斯蒂芬这样的学生来做。.

随着GG电子官方软件下载计算机科学专业的GG电子官方软件下载人数激增, Ondich is happy to offer his students more autonomy on projects.

“I’ve made it one of my techniques to say, ‘OK, developing this is your responsibility. 你知道这是怎么回事了,现在去互相帮助吧,’”昂迪奇说. 孩子们,他们迎接挑战. Our students are capable of a lot of creative thinking and execution.”


在最近一次去埃塞俄比亚的校外学习旅行中,GG电子官方软件下载 环境研究 professor Tsegaye Nega brought students to the home of a 25-year-old woman named Fikerte. Wherever she goes, her six-month old son goes with her — always clutching her back. This means both of them are spending a lot of hours in a tiny kitchen, where an open-pit fire is used both for cooking and as a heat source for the home.

“The smoke levels in that kitchen that are four times higher than what is recommended by the World Health Organization,内加说. “So you see it and think, ‘Your son is breathing in all this smoke. 他可能会在一年内死去.“母亲知道这一点. But when asked about the pollution, she simply says, ‘What can we do? 我们得吃饭.’ ”

So Nega and the GG电子官方软件下载 students began working with villagers to replace open-pit fires with small, 节能炉具. Throughout Africa, fire pits often are the only affordable method of cooking and home heating.

“If one of the big sources of soot in a region is burning wood — inefficiently — for home heating and cooking, 你可以尝试改变人们正在使用的技术,” 化学 黛博拉·格罗斯教授. “The results have a significant impact on climate and on the people who are no longer breathing in so much smoke. 这是双赢.”

First, Nega had to find a viable alternative for cooking and heating. He teamed up with GG电子官方软件下载 science support specialist Randy Hoffner to make a micro gasifier stove. This inexpensive, efficient cook stove is made from common hardware store parts. 下一个, the students in Gross’s “Climate Science” class began measuring aerosol particles to help quantify the project’s health impacts and offer a new approach to this kind of work.

“Colleges and universities are about developing students as good citizens,内加说. “At GG电子官方软件下载, we think about the connection between academics and real-world engagement. 我们有义务向学生展示这一点.”


GG电子官方软件下载 历史 professor Susannah Ottaway wanted to give her students a realistic sense of social welfare in 18th-century England. 她决定把重点放在济贫院, part of England’s nationwide system for poor relief in the late–17th century.

To give her students a deeper perspective of how the spaces were established, she asked two student 数字人文 如果他们能做一个济贫院的3D模型.

“Building the workhouse model gave us a whole new set of questions about how it functioned and why it was constructed in a specific way. It’s been transformative to the kind of research questions we need to be asking,” Ottaway says.

它可能是从涉足3D领域开始的, but it turned into a full-blown body splash thanks to Austin Mason, 数字人文学科助理主任. 他用游戏元素扩展了Ottaway最初的提议, 使虚拟济贫院更具互动性.

Pulling from all corners of campus kept the collaboration flourishing. 弗洛伦斯·王, 工作室艺术 major from Hong Kong, added her own creative flair to the model’s design. 格雷厄姆·厄, 他来自明尼阿波利斯,主修计算机科学, 把他对软件开发的热爱带到了项目中. 总共有六名计算机科学专业的学生使用了这个项目 比较高级.

The project is a testament to how GG电子官方软件下载 encourages students and faculty and staff members to think collaboratively in order to achieve far-reaching results.

“我们都有自己的领域知识, and allowing those various skill sets to come together is what let us take things so much farther,梅森说。. “We were always thinking about the best way to get something done. And the fact that it’s been so experimental and collaborative allowed the project to grow organically.”

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